Modding:generator API

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The generator holds all of the ever-present functions used to create the random maps in DoomRL. It also contains a variety of helper functions, many of them useful if not vital to the creation of intricate and meticulous game design.



Please note that the type "integer" indicates an numeric value without a decimal part. It does not indicate the range of acceptable values.

The argument type "CellID" may be the numeric or string ID of a cell.

The argument type "CellSet" may be the numeric ID, string ID, or a list of numeric and/or string IDs.

The argument type "Flags" expects a list of flag constants of the indicated type.

An argument name in [square brackets] is an optional one. The function description will indicate how the function operates if it is omitted.

Generator API Function List

Generator Interface - Functions
Basic Cell Handling Functions
integer generator.get_cell(Coord loc)
string generator.get_cell_id(Coord loc)
integer generator.fast_get_cell(integer x, integer y)
void generator.set_cell(Coord loc, CellID what)
void generator.fast_set_cell(integer x, integer y, integer what)
Map Checking Functions
integer generator.around(Coord where, CellSet what)
integer generator.cross_around(Coord where, CellSet what)
boolean generator.is_empty(Coord where, Flags reqs)
boolean generator.is_empty_area(Area where, Flags reqs)
boolean generator.scan(Area where, CellID good)
Map Searching Functions
Coord generator.find_coord(CellSet what, Area [where])
Coord generator.random_coord(Area [where])
Coord generator.find_random_coord(CellSet what, Area [where])
Coord generator.find_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where])
Coord generator.random_empty_coord(Flags reqs, Area [where])
Coord generator.find_random_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where])
Coord generator.safe_empty_coord(Area [where])
Coord generator.standard_empty_coord()

Basic Cell Handling Functions

generator.get_cell(Coord loc)

Gets the Numeric ID (NID) of the cell at a given map position.

loc: The coordinates of the cell to get.
Returns: The NID of the cell.

generator.get_cell_id(Coord loc)

Gets the ID of the cell at a given map position.

loc: The coordinates of the cell to get.
Returns: The string ID of the cell.

generator.fast_get_cell(integer x, integer y)

Gets the Numeric ID (NID) of the cell at a given map position.

x: The X position of the cell to get.
y: The Y position of the cell to get.
Returns: The NID of the cell.

generator.set_cell(Coord loc, CellID what)

Assigns a new cell to a map position.

loc: The coordinates of the position to set.
what: The ID of the cell to assign to the position.

generator.fast_set_cell(integer x, integer y, integer what)

Assigns a now cell to a map position.

x: The X position of the cell to set.
y: The Y position of the cell to set.
what: The NID (string IDs not allowed) of the cell to assign to the position.

Map Checking Functions

generator.around(Coord where, CellSet what)

Checks the positions adjacent to a location (including diagonally adjacent) and returns the number of cells that match one of the indicated cell IDs.

where: The coordinate to check around. The coordinate sent in this way is not checked, only adjacent cells are.
what: The cell(s) to check for.
Returns: The number of cells (from 0 to 8) that matched one of the what cell IDs.

generator.cross_around(Coord where, CellSet what)

Checks the positions adjacent to a location (but not diagonally adjacent) and returns the number of cells that match one of the indicated cell IDs.

where: The coordinates to check around. The coordinate sent in this way is not checked, only adjacent cells are.
what: The cell(s) to check for.
Returns: The number of cells (from 0 to 4) that matched one of the what cell IDs.

generator.is_empty(Coord where, Flags reqs)

Checks to see if the indicated cell is "empty", defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

where: The position to check.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the position cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns true if the map position does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
Returns: True if the cell satisfies all of the conditions indicated in reqs, False otherwise.

generator.is_empty_area(Area where, Flags reqs)

Checks to see if the indicated area is "empty", defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

where: The area to check.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the area cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns true if the area does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
Returns: True if every cell in the area satisfies all of the conditions indicated in reqs, False otherwise.

generator.scan(Area where, CellID good)

Checks to see if the entire area is filled with a certain cell.

where: The area to check.
good: The cell to look for.
Returns: True if all cells in the area are good, False otherwise.

Map Searching Functions

generator.find_coord(CellSet what, Area [where])

Searches the map for the first coordinate containing one of the indicated cell IDs.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: The coordinates of the first position that contains one of the what cell IDs. The map is checked row by row starting from the top, going from left to right across each row.

generator.random_coord(Area [where])

Searches for a random coordinate within the specified area.

where: Optional. The area to restrict the coordinate to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate.

generator.find_random_coord(CellSet what, Area [where])

Searches for a random coordinate within the specified area that contains one of the specified cell IDs.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
where : Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the supplied criteria.

generator.find_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where])

Searches the map for the first "empty" coordinate containing one of the indicated cell IDs, defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the coordinate cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns true if the coordinate does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: The coordinates of the first position that meets the supplied criteria. The map is checked row by row starting from the top, going from left to right across each row.

generator.random_empty_coord(Flags reqs, Area [where])

Searches the map for a random coordinate that is "empty", defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the random coordinate cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns true if the coordinate does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the supplied criteria.

generator.find_random_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where])

Searches the map for a random "empty" coordinate containing one of the indicated cell IDs, defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the random coordinate cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns true if the coordinate does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the supplied criteria.

generator.random_square(CellSet what)

Searches for a random 3x3 area containing only specified cells.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
Returns: The center coordinate of the random 3x3 area.

generator.safe_empty_coord(Area [where])

Searches for a random coordinate that meets certain predetermined criteria.

The function will try to find a coordinate that does not contain a being, item, staircase, wall, harmful terrain, spawning restrictions (cells marked with LF_NOSPAWN), and is more than 5 spaces from the player (EF_NOBEINGS, EF_NOITEMS, EF_NOSTAIRS, EF_NOBLOCK, EF_NOHARM, EF_NOSPAWN, and EF_NOSAFE). If a valid space isn't found, the function will ignore distance from the player (EF_NOSAFE). If a valid space still can't be found, the function will ignore stairs and harmful terrain (EF_NOSTAIRS and EF_NOHARM).

where: Optional. The area to restrict the inital pass to. If a valid coordinate is not found within the area after ignoring stairs and harmful terrain, the search is restarted and expanded automatically to the entire map. If omitted, the entire map will be searched.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the criteria.


Searches for a random coordinate that meets certain predetermined criteria.

The function will search for a coordinate that does not contain a being, item, staircase, wall, harmful terrain, or spawning restrictions (EF_NOBEINGS, EF_NOITEMS, EF_NOSTAIRS, EF_NOBLOCK, EF_NOHARM, and EF_NOSPAWN).

Returns: A random coordinate that meets the criteria.