Mt. Erebus

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Game Data Strategy
Mt. Erebus
Depth: 22
Entrance Text: You arrive at Mt. Erebus. You shiver before the mountain of eternal fire!
Reward Text: Tough son of a bitch... now to get that shiny object he left behind...
Exit Text: Lava elementals my ass. I don't care.
Monsters on ITYTD: lost soul (x17), former sergeant (x5), hell knight (x5), lava elemental (x1)
Monsters on HNTR:
Monsters on HMP:
Monsters on UV:
Monsters on N!:
Rewards: power cell (20x4), shotgun shell (8x4), rocket (3x4), environment suit (x4), lava element (x1), random boots (x7-1), random/one exotic/unique armor/boots (x3+1)
Description/tips: Pulling the levers will cause the center walls to go down, one by one. Regardless of the order the levers are pulled, the walls fall from outermost to innermost.