The Chained Court

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Revision as of 16:00, 6 June 2013 by ZicherCZ (Talk | contribs)

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Game Data Strategy
The Chained Court
Depth: 5
Entrance Text: Welcome to the Chained Court...

If Hell's Arena has been completed:

A devilish voice booms: "Come to think of it... I'd rather see you dead, mortal... prepare yourself!

Reward Text: None
Exit Text: None
Monsters on ITYTD: former human (x20), cacodemon (x4)
Monsters on HNTR: former human (x20), cacodemon (x4)
Monsters on HMP: former human (x10), former sergeant (x10), hell knight (x4)
Monsters on UV: former human (x10), former captain (x10), baron of hell (x4)
Monsters on N!: former human (x10), former captain (x10), baron of hell (x4)
Rewards: chainsaw, shotgun shell (6x8), power cell (6x20), Berserk Pack (x4 in easy CC, x2 in hard CC), random common mod pack (x2)
Description/tips: Easy Chained Court: The levers near each large 'cage' open the nearby cage. The two smaller ones on the left have one powerful enemy each (eg. cacodemons on HNTR) and the larger cage on the right contains two. Opening all 3 cages will also remove the top and bottom walls in the starting centre room, revealing items and enemies.

Hard Chained Court (CC+): Defeating all enemies will remove the large, indestructible wall on the left, revealing items as well as the stairs down.