The Mortuary

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Game Data Strategy
The Mortuary
Depth: 20 (Does not appear on ITYTD)
Entrance Text: The smell of blood! Can this be real?? The floor is is covered by blood, and there are corpses everywhere! Suddenly with a wail, arch-viles appear!
Reward Text: Suddenly everything is peaceful. Rest in peace, damned souls... A presence! Of something holy! Here in this hell? Press <Enter>... Find it under the corpses!
Exit Text: If all enemies are dead:

As you descend the stairs you hear a wail. They're back... There's only one way to end this...


You flee! You flee like hell from this cursed place!

Monsters on ITYTD: N/A
Monsters on HNTR: arch-vile (x5), corpses (x135-405) randomly chosen from former human, former sergeant, former captain, imp, demon, cacodemon, baron of hell, hell knight, arachnotron
Monsters on HMP: arch-vile (x6), corpses (x140-410) randomly chosen from the previous list as well as former commando
Monsters on UV: arch-vile (x7), corpses (x145-415) randomly chosen from the previous list as well as mancubus
Monsters on N!: arch-vile (x7), corpses (x140-420) randomly chosen from the previous list; mancubi corpses are twice as likely
Rewards: armor shard (x4), Supercharge Globe (x6), red armor (x6), large med-pack (x4), power mod pack, bulk mod pack, assault shotgun, nuclear BFG 9000, Angelic Armor
Description/tips: Arch-viles spawn in random locations. If played on Nightmare!, note that enemies do not stop respawning after the Angelic Armor appears.